"Jochen Anweiler is very reliable, and gives user-friendly, commercial, analytically strong, solid advice, which is not over cautious and not excessively risky."
Chambers Europe, 2025
"He works in Brussels and Austria so in one hand he can overview the EU and Austrian systems in the most complex transactions and can apply how things are seen in the EU to filings in Austria."
Chambers Global, 2025
"Jochen Anweiler is an outstanding competition lawyer and it is always a great pleasure to work with him. He is technically outstanding and always on the ball."
Legal 500, 2024
"wirtschaftliches Tiefenverständnis kombiniert mit exzellenter Expertise"
JUVE, 2024
"eine der besten Erfahrungen, die wir je bei Foreign Counsels machen konnten"
JUVE, 2024
“Splitting his time between the firm's offices in Brussels and Vienna, Jochen Anweiler frequently advises clients on the notification of mergers before the Austrian Federal Competition Authority. He also has experience defending clients in investigations into possible anti-competitive behaviour."
Chambers Europe, 2024
"If I had to choose any lawyer for the competition aspects of M&A deals, he is the one I would go to."
Chambers Europe, 2024
"A fantastic lawyer, very knowledgeable and pragmatic."
Chambers Europe, 2018
Chambers Europe, 2019
Practice group
Dr. Jochen Anweiler heads the firm’s Brussels office. He advises clients in investigations by, and represents clients in merger control proceedings before, the European Commission and the Austrian competition authorities. He coordinates leniency applications and merger notifications in several jurisdictions, and advises on state aid law (including in connection with company divestitures by public authorities).
Jochen Anweiler has worked in international law firms in Düsseldorf and Brussels, and has been working in international commercial law firms in Vienna since 2010.
Jochen Anweiler is admitted to the bar in Düsseldorf and Vienna.
- Anweiler, Kommentierung von Art. 7, 8, 9 und 10 der Kartellverfahrensverordnung (EG) 1/2003 in: Loewenheim/Meessen/Riesenkampff/Kersting/Meyer-Lindemann (Hrsg.), Kartellrecht – Europäisches und Deutsches Recht, Kommentar, 4. Auflage, München 2020 (Verlag C.H. Beck); zuvor: 1. Aufl. 2005; 2. Aufl. 2009; 3. Aufl. 2016
- Anweiler/Bauer, EuG: Verneinung der Haftung einer Muttergesellschaft für Kartellrechtsverletzungen ihrer 100%igen Tochtergesellschaft – das Urteil vom 27.10.2010, Rs T-24/05 – Alliance One International ua / Kommission; Österreichische Zeitschrift für Kartellrecht (ÖZK) (2011)
- Anweiler/Jestaedt, Europäische Fusionskontrolle im Medienbereich, in: Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (EuZW) (1997)
- Anweiler, Die Auslegungsmethoden des Gerichtshofs der Europäischen Gemeinschaften, Verlag Peter Lang, 1997, zugleich Dissertation Göttingen 1996
- Legal500: “Recommended Lawyer” – EU & Competition
- Chambers Europe, 2025: “Spotlight” – Competition/European Law
- Chambers Global, 2025: “Foreign Expert in Austria” – Competition/European Law
- Legal500, 2024: “Recommended Lawyer” – EU & Competition
- Chambers Europe, 2024: “Spotlight” – Competition/European Law
- Handelsblatt Austria “Best Lawyers,” 2024: “Best Lawyer” – Competition and Antitrust Law
- Handelsblatt Austria “Best Lawyers,” 2024: “Best Lawyer”- European Law
- Legal500, 2023: “Recommended Lawyer” – EU & Competition
- Chambers Europe, 2023: “Spotlight” – Competition/European Law
- Chambers Europe, 2022: Ranked Lawyer – Competition/European Law
- JUVE, 2022: “Highly Recommended” – Competition Law