Dr. Christian Jöllinger is a partner in the Banking + Finance, Restructuring + Insolvency, and Capital Markets practice groups. He advises banks, insurance companies, financial institutions, and companies on securitizations, structured finance, portfolio transactions, bank loans, regulatory law, and financial sanctions. Christian has extensive experience in regulatory capital instruments, credit risk mitigation techniques, securities law (with a particular focus on covered bonds regulation and custody law), derivative financial instruments, and insolvency law.
He studied law in Vienna (Dr. iur.) and Edinburgh (LL.M.), and started his professional career as an assistant professor at the University of Vienna and as a researcher at the Austrian Society for Banking Research (Bankwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft). Before joining E+H, he worked at the international law firm Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer in the Global Transactions / Banking & Finance practice group from 2010 to 2023.
Christian has been admitted to the Austrian bar since 2014 and has extensive expertise in complex and high level transactions across sectors.
- Jöllinger/Jergitsch, Zustimmungs- und Anzeigeerfordernisse im neuen Pfandbriefrecht, ÖBA 2023, 625.
- Jöllinger, Kommentierung des § 16 (Indeckungnahme von Sicherungsgeschäften) gemeinsam mit RA Dr. Friedrich Jergitsch in Heindler/Wolfbauer (Hrsg.), Kommentar zum PfandBG (2023).
- Kammel/Jergitsch/Jöllinger/Palla, Praxishandbuch Depotrecht (2. Auflage 2020).
- Jöllinger, “Creeping-in” und die Befreiungstatbestände des § 24 ÜbG, wbl 2008, 525.
- Jöllinger, Zur übernahmerechtlichen Bedeutung der Willensbildung in Umgründungsfällen am Beispiel der Verschmelzung, wbl 2008, 364.
- Chambers Global, 2025: Ranked Lawyer – Capital Markets
- Chambers Europe, 2024: Ranked Lawyer – Capital Markets