Our Sustainability Team is at the forefront of environmental + economic vitality. We welcome your questions about challenges related to sustainability and the transition to greener measures. As sustainability goals develop on both legally binding and non-binding levels across the globe, we can consult with you on how to keep your business up-to-speed on this increasingly important topic. For implementation and oversight of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainable development goals (SDG), we are at your service.
In times of advancing climate change, each individual must think about sustainability. At E+H, we have been doing this for many years.
The Sustainability Team advises both public bodies (such as municipalities) and private companies – from SMEs to listed stock corporations. This is no longer just a matter of complying with binding environmental regulations and reducing CO2. Rather, it is about all players doing their part to protect the environment and forming forward-looking corporate policy; this also includes measures towards, and contributions to, social justice.
CSR, SDG, ESG, and other sustainability policies are therefore indispensable and are increasingly expected by both customers and business partners. The challenge here is to unify economic goals and sustainability.
Our Sustainability Team works closely with experts from all relevant areas (such as energy technology). We offer our clients a broad service offering when it comes to sustainability issues. We know that sustainable corporate management can seem intimidating, but it can also be immensely rewarding, and we are here to help you forge ahead.